Previously Scott Adams Photography

Tasmania Wedding Photographers & Videographers
About Us
We're Emily and Scott, we thought we should introduce ourselves!
We live on a little land in a lovely 1896 homestead in Tasmania, with our beautiful children and all the furry animals.
We consider ourselves loving, happy, silly, and fun people who enjoy laughing, and being playful with each other.
We absolutely love what we do, every day we love working together side by side in the office seeing all our couples’ happy faces, or out capturing them at a wedding.
Emily enjoys painting, crafts, singing old songs, and cooking up delicious meals for the family. Emily’s an amazing artist and with her incredible painting skills is also incredible with the camera, seeing things in a unique way that leaves Scott jaw dropped.
Scott loves so much about life, it’d be a really long list! He loves technology, cars, motorbikes, driving, travelling, dancing around like a crazy man, and so much more…
But most of all he loves his Emily and is very proud of his family.
Even after all these years, we’re still excited every time someone reaches out to us. We absolutely love meeting our couples and supporting them throughout the process planning their weddings, then capturing them on the day.
We always feel privileged and honoured to be apart of our couples wedding day, as such we are proud to provide a very personalised service, tailored to you both and anything you need.
We look forward to hearing from you! ❤️

"Capturing your today, to wow your heart tomorrow"
How would you describe your photography style?We typically describe ourselves as relaxed, candid, and natural style photographers. We focus heavily on getting to know our couples and the connection between them. We are very attentive to emotion, love, laughter, energy and have a focus on that aspect of a wedding day. For our style of imagery we work with each couple to understand what they maybe after. We use tools like Pinterest, Instagram etc to get an idea as to what each couple is looking for if we feel our couples are unsure. We are always up to a challenge for something new however we have had a lot of experience with styles from extremely relaxed, to very formal.
Do you travel and if so, what are the costs?"Yes and none! We service Tasmania travel free. In some cases we will travel interstate without travel costs. No matter where you are, we're happy to travel to be with you, we both love driving, we also love flying so we're not going to charge for travel unless necessary.
Do you require a meal if my package includes reception coverage?We do bring our own food to sustain us through the day. Meals are generally very kindly provided by our couples; venues and catering companies typically include us and allow a place for us to sit and eat away from guests. We don't have any special dietary requirements and certainly aren't fussy!
Do you offer prints in your packages?Our main focus is to try and keep the costs as affordable as we can. We can include prints yes, however we don't by default. Your wedding gallery will always be available, images are always able to be printed at any stage, in fact Christmas time is when many people get theirs done! We suggest to our couples they invest their budget into maximising what we can capture on the day for them and look at prints after. We have some amazing print options available. However in saying this, we do include prints in a number of our packages offered.
What sort of coverage do we get on the day?Nearly always more than is said. We offer coverage broken down as Getting Ready (Bride or Both), Arrival & Ceremony, Group/Couples Images, Reception (Start), Reception (All). That way we capture what you’re after, and don’t have to watch the clock. We work with our couples to utilise the time efficiently, to maximise what we capture while we’re there. We do offer 6, 8 and 10 hours of coverage, however it is rare our couples chose this as our standard packages typically offer more coverage for less.
Why should I pay for a photographer when my cousin has a new iPhone?We actually love this question. It is important to understand the investment in hiring a professional to capture your day. There are many reasons why hiring a professional photographer has its advantages over using an amateur photographer. To many reasons really to say here, however we will offer a few. Quality Firstly, the quality from professional photography gear and the tools we use are significantly higher than the typical amateur equipment. While modern phones do have incredible cameras, they can not reproduce the quality of files/data/images that professional cameras can. For example, an iPhone can print reasonable quality up to A4 in size, whereas our professional equipment could blow your images up to billboard size. Versatility & Experience Professional wedding photographers are capable of dealing with anything thrown at them, fast, slow paced weddings. A sudden onset of rain, sun, hail, snow or even going from outside to dark environments is something amateurs will struggle with. Backups & Redundancy Technology is technology, when it works it is great, when it fails it can be a disaster. Imagine Uncle Joe saying he'll capture your big day on his iPhone. He gets through half the day and his phone goes flat... But don't worry he's got a spare phone so he pulls that out and turns it on. You're all excited as someone special who knows a bit about cameras has captured your day. Uncle Joe then gets home that evening, tries to turn on this iPhone and it's actually dead, broken. All the images are gone. Half your day is missing, you're heartbroken. He's also sadly missed your first kiss as he was turning on his spare phone. Our professional gear has multiple memory cards, so if one fails there's a backup. We have multiple cameras too, so if one fails there's a backup. Uncle Joe's iPhone will never compare to the reliability, backup and safety options of professional equipment, not to mention experience professionals bring to a wedding. Support Another big reason is not so much the photography but the experience and support we offer. Most weddings don’t go to plan, that’s where we can support you and keep things on track for you. We're not here to convince you one way or another, just know in hiring professionals we'll have your back in more ways than one.
Do we get an album? How many Pages?Albums are optional, we do not typically sell albums with our packages. We however have some amazing premium photo books on offer. Like prints, these can be purchased at a later stage also.
Do you offer videography?Yes, absolutely. We offer professional videography options; in fact, we are capturing videography at around 80% of our weddings. We generally offer RAW (just the ceremony or and also reception speeches), half day, full day, and tailored options. While having amazing images is unquestionable, we highly recommend discussing this as there is nothing more amazing than looking back over your wedding with a beautiful highlight film and hearing your vows back.
How many photos do you take?We don’t limit our image numbers where possible. Generally only elopements have limits on numbers as they are typically quite small weddings. Then number images we capture depends on what coverage you choose. Generally we are providing between 400 – 700 images.
Do you offer discounts?To us, offering a discount would imply we aren't being as affordable as we can be, so we don't and can't offer discounts. We often say we aren't here to be rich, we love what we do and structure our pricing in accordance to the relative costs of other professionals within our industry. Our prices are as affordable as we can offer as experienced, full time professional wedding photographers & videographers. There are more affordable businesses out there, there are more expensive too. Our focus is purely on providing amazing support, and offering a style that suits our couples perfectly. We aim to be chosen based on this rather than price point.
Can we meet?While it’s not required it does help feel more comfortable on the day as you know who we. An engagement session is great to as its one step further with you getting used to the us and the camera. If we can’t mee to for a coffee, we can also offer skype/video meetings too.
Same Sex?Love is love. We don’t discriminate, ever.
I've found a cheaper photographer, do you price match?"Sorry, no we don't price match. Please see the question about us offering a discount above. If you found a cheaper photographer that offers a service and creative style that suits you we fully support and encourage you to do what is right for you both, whatever way you chose.
When is the final payment due?Your remainder invoice will be due a month prior to the wedding, however we do have interest free purchase options which in many cases can extend the payments out well beyond your wedding, potentially for up to 12, 24 or 36 months all up. Our goal with payments isn’t to add stress, we will always do what we can to help.
Have you ever cancelled a booking or not shown up to a wedding?As professionals, whom are heavily involved in the wedding industry we all have backup plans. The community has all worked closely together since Covid to cover as required, for us it's a simple phone call to find someone available. As a well established business we do also have a larger team, It's not just Emily and Scott, if one of us can't make it for some unforeseen reason we communicate closely with our couples to let them know someone else on our team will be there instead, offering the same standard and service. We have never, nor will ever not turn up to a wedding. We love our jobs and are always look forward to these special days.
Where are you based?Tasmania. As we travel everywhere within Tasmania with no travel costs, we don’t need to complicate things by saying we are based in a single location. We travel all over Tasmania often and plan our weddings out accordingly.
Do we get black and white images, or all colour?We do offer some images as black and white as a part of our creative style. We can sometimes revert some black and white images back to colour at your request, or we can include more black and white if you have a preference to black and white. We use black and white typically to emphasise emotion or remove distracting colour elements from an image. Your final gallery will give you the option of viewing the colour images as black and white and downloading (or printing) them that way.
How many people work for you?Depending on how busy we are we have a team of up to 8. Scott and Emily I generally capture most weddings, with other photographers with us (or videographers) on occasion. If we are booked, which happens, we will have one of our team be there with you, although you will still speak primarily with us. Their styles are the same as us, the resulting images and experience will be the same as if we were there ourselves.
What if you’re sick or unable to attend?We will communicate this as early as possible and let you know one of our other photographers (or videographers) will be there with you instead. This is outlined in our contract for your peace of mind and security for your investment.
Do you use second photographers on a wedding day?We are both photographers and videographers and work together at nearly all weddings. Apart from very rare circumstances, unless specifically requested to only have on person, there will be two of us at all of our weddings, even small intimate ones.
Should we have a pre wedding photo engagement Session?This is a personal choice. We do prefer and love to have these sessions to get to know our couples better, and help them feel more comfortable on the day. We do recommend this, if you're interested please let us know.
Any advice on choosing a photographer?This is how we prioritise things, and our advice to others. In order of priority: • Style • Connection to the photographer/s • Support and confidence you receive from them • Price matches the service offered and fits into your budget. Naturally price is important, but your experience will be spending your wedding day with the photographer/s so it's important you'll feel comfortable with them there, that they will support you and provide you with a style that suits you both. The absolute last thing anyone would want is to be disappointed with the service and images received because a photographer was chosen purely because they fitted into a budget.
What happens if it rains?We’re prepared, we’re always prepared, and we love taking rain images, in fact some of our favourite weddings and images are from rainy days! We’ll look after you both, we’ll keep you warm and dry as best we can. We’ve got a massive range of images we love taking. What it generally comes down to is how the couple feels about it, if they are happy, positive and nothing will ruin their day then we almost hope it rains! They make for such beautiful intimate, special and unique images.
What is the deposit, and why the deposit?Just 25% of the total. If money is tight, we can discuss though. We use the deposit to get things started at our end, organising people, and planning things out. The deposit is non-refundable for this reason.
Do you have any hidden expenses?No, I am open about everything I can!
How much time should we allow for our photos on the day?The amount of time we suggest you set aside for photos depends on the time of day. Preparation Shots – Duration: 60 minutes to 1.5 hours Ideally, we would have 45 minutes for the both of you. Family Photos – Duration: 30 minutes to 1 hour for larger groups/combinations Have a list of pictures that you want with your family/friends right after the ceremony. Also, have one person from each side of the family that is really organized (and loud) to move people in and out of the photos. Couples session – Duration: 45 minutes to 1,5 hours There is the option of doing this before the ceremony in conjunction with a “first look” that way you can enjoy the rest of your day without having to worry about taking too much time out for photos. Also this is when the makeup and hair are fresh. We’ll set up a first look moment so it will still be a surprise when you see each other. If we do this after the ceremony, we’ll head off to pre-planned locations and spend some time together. We can work in with shorter periods of time, and longer but generally 1 to 1.5 hours is sufficient and helps you keep relaxed. Of course your bridal party is welcome, however it’s nice to have a little time just us. Sunset Photos – Duration: 10 to 30 minutes We don’t need a great deal of time for this, often I just grab you when there is going to be a nice sunset and we pop out, unless we have to travel it is usually over in 10 to 15 minutes.
We aren’t comfortable in front of the camera, we don’t like posing, what do you do?"Ironically, we am the same! Therefore we can relate and have a good understanding on how to go about things. Nearly everyone is like this, so it is very normal and how we operate by default. Because we take the time to get to know you, one advantage is we can help you feel more comfortable naturally. We don’t do specific posing as such, we more put you in a comfortable scenario and give you things to talk about that will help you feel relaxed.
Do you "Edit" our photos? Why does it take some time to receive them?The general understanding of what editing would be is for someone to perhaps use software like Photoshop and modify the image. We rarely do this no, it may happen in some specific circumstances but we very rarely “edit” the images we take. We’ve spent years learning, studying, experiencing, practicing what we do as to not need to edit like that. Editing can take a significant amount of time, especially with hundreds of images so we prefer to take the image correctly as to not have to edit. As suggested above, occasionally very minor things maybe required, like one wedding had lots of flies and the family photos had flies all in the images, so we removed them. Sometimes we will be asked to remove pimples and things like that, which we will chat about and consider. The time taken is to process the images, to sort them all out, put them in order, convert them from raw data to images and develop, or balance them all out and things such as this. With sometimes 20-30 weddings on the go it can take time to work through them all. We work day and night 7 days over our peak period to get images to our couples as fast as possible. We do our best to keep our couples in the loop as to where they are at.
Why don't you do normal packages?We have been doing this for a very long time. For the first 10 years or so we tailored our options to each couple, asking what they wanted and needed. In doing this we worked out a very clear pattern that seemed to work for everyone. As such we now offer a very simplistic package, based on tailoring, which allows couples to still chose the parts that are most important to them. What is clear to us, through experience and research is that normal fixed packages work out more expensive than our tailored approach. Each couple, each wedding and each day is different and the fixed packages assume and build in things like travel and accommodation which may not be needed for example. We don't offer normal packages to best serve our couples, providing a personal experience which is more budget friendly than typical fixed packages.
How do I enquire or book with you?Easy! Touch base through our enquiry form or if you have further questions contact us on Facebook anytime!
How many hours coverage do we get?As we offer packages where you chose your coverage this is not a question we can specifically answer. If you aren't familiar with our packages please review them first. However, on average with coverage from getting ready to one hour of the reception it works out at 8 hours for us. Some days can be shorter (6 hours for example), some longer (10+ hours) but we seem to average 8 hours with how they naturally work out. We don't watch the clock though, we are more focused on capturing the wedding (where we'd rather be) than getting home. We start when we need to start based on communication and planning together, to capture the important things required. We finish roughly when chosen, sometimes staying longer if needed. We won't go until we know we've capture the things planned and expected of us.
(Scroll down for more)

Wedding Services
After countless weddings and years of experience, one lesson stands out: weddings rarely goto schedule, making fixed hourly coverage (e.g. 6, 8, or 10 hours) a source of stress as you watch the clock, rushing to fit everything in.
That's why we've simplified it.
We simply capture your day.
We begin when you’re getting ready (if you’d like), and you choose the reception coverage that suits your needs. Easy, simple, and stress-free.
We offer no limit to our high resolution, watermark free images. Free travel statewide, all inclusive pricing.
View more information about our packages here:
Other Services Available
Live Streaming
RAW Video Filming
Printing & Albums
Wedding Support